- a hard nut to crack难以应付的问题或情况;难以说服或影响的人;难事;难题;
- back to square one问题回到原态,并没有解决;
- come to power(开始)掌权,上台;
- come to nothingv.完全失败,终成泡影;化为乌有;落空;化为泡影;
- from hand to mouthadv.仅能糊口地;
- follow close to the line of紧跟在队伍旁边
- go to sleep睡着;(肢体)麻木;入睡;安息;
- Get to the point言归正传;谈出要点;直截了当地说;
- get right清楚无误地了解;
- get around传播;绕开;随意走走;说服;
- get after追捕; 攻击;催促; 责备;
- get on with sb与某人相处;
- hasten to do加快完成
- made to orderadj.定制的;
- never to attach any conditions永远不要附加任何条件
- out of bounds to someone超出了对某人的限制范围
- occur to sb.想起,想到;
- put to work应用;
- put to usev.使用,利用;采用;动用;
- play close to the vestv.把…保守秘密;
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